Applied Program Evaluation [FRAN*6210]
Summary of CETL Component:
Over two semesters, students worked in pairs to conduct a program evaluation to meet the needs of a community partner. Together, the course instructor and CESI staff composed a list of partners for the students to choose from, and the students were coached (through guest lectures and class sessions) on how to do community-engaged work and interact with their community partners.
Family Relations & Applied Nutrition
Laura Forbes
Year Offered:
Number of Students:
Academic Level:
Level of Engagement:
Community-engaged learning
CEL Assignment Structure:
Group project
Course Description:
This graduate course was designed to provide students with a foundation in the theory and practice of program evaluation. The focus of the course was on the evaluation of programs for a variety of populations for the purpose of designing, improving, and assessing programs and their effectiveness. In this iteration of the course, students worked collaboratively with community partners to design a program evaluation plan. Students worked with partners utilizing a community-engaged model that promoted equal partnerships and reciprocity. Relationship development, trust-building, communication, and power-sharing were important aspects of this work. As such, students were expected to make a commitment to completing their projects to the satisfaction of their community partners.