CESI's Knowledge Moblilization (KMb) program offers a range of expertise and support on- and off-campus. Program staff support KMb in the following ways (and more!):
Brokering and Partnerships
We strive to enhance community access to and use of research expertise. We work to make research accessible, and to facilitate the involvement of non-academic partners at various stages of the research process, from defining research questions to conducting research and sharing findings. We help:
- Scope needs and projects to identify meaningful opportunities for collaboration
- Plan and develop KMb products, organize events and broker relationships to facilitate the linking of research and people
- Provide guidance to existing partnerships
Capacity Development
We work to enhance knowledge, skills and values with respect to knowledge mobilization. We provide training opportunities for faculty, students and community on knowledge mobilization planning, research partnerships, or key skills for KMb implementation (e.g. clear language writing, social media, infographics). We:
- Offer guest lectures in undergraduate and graduate courses
- Organize workshops and presentations for campus and community, including the Skills for Research Impact workshop series
- Coordinate the online Certificate in Knowledge Mobilization
- Support a community of practice bringing together local practitioners interested in knowledge mobilization research and practice
Knowledge mobilization planning
We provide guidance to researchers seeking to build and implement knowledge mobilization strategies in their projects. We can:
- Offer one-on-one consultations to discuss your KMb goals or needs
- Work with research teams to develop evidence-based KMb interventions in line with project objectives and intended audiences
- Share KMb best practices, examples, and other resources
Grant Support
We participate in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences grant review process. We follow the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Guidelines for Effective KMb when contributing to SSHRC grants, as well as rely on our own unique position of KMb within a community-engaged perspective. We:
- Consult on knowledge mobilization plans for grant applications, including budget and evaluation development
- Participate as KMb experts on community-engaged grants
- Share information about KMb funding opportunities
If you would like to request support for your knowledge mobilization activities, contact cesi@uoguelph.ca