Campus-Community Partnerships Conversation

Date and Time


Community Classroom (4th floor)

10C Shared Space, 42 Carden street, downtown Guelph

Image showing 11 hands of different colours joining in a circle. The University of Guelph logo is overlay on top of it.


Have you ever wanted to work with the University of Guelph, or have a new idea that you would love support with in advancing community goals? The UofG Engaged Learning Collective is hosting their second general meet-and-greet at 10C where community groups, social innovators, small businesses, arts organizations, advocacy groups, social purpose initiatives, and those in science and technology are invited to meet university staff and faculty from across campus who help to facilitate community-university partnerships. 

Find out about the kind of work being undertaken in different departments and programs. Identify the right entry point and contact person for your organizational needs. Representatives from CESI's Research Shop and Comunity Engaged Teaching and Learning programs will be there to meet you.

This event is an informal opportunity to chat with someone and browse through some resources to help you. Brief introductions will take place at the beginning and light refreshments will be available. Drop-ins are welcome. If possible BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug!).

Register here to let us know you are coming!

For more information, contact the UofG Engaged Learning Collective.

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