ONLINE - Skills for Research Impact Session 9: Evaluating KTT Activities
Date and Time
Online (via Zoom meetings; link provided upon registration)
Presented by Anne Bergen, PhD, Knowledge to Action Consulting.
When all is said and done, how do you know it worked? Go beyond the anecdote and learn to use evaluation techniques to assess the impact of your knowledge mobilization efforts.
This workshop will cover evaluation basics for researchers looking to use evaluation throughout the knowledge mobilization cycle - from design through impact. Workshop attendees will gain an improved understanding of evaluation basics for KTT. This will include both presentation and worked examples of how to:
- Identify what part of KTT they want to evaluate (need, design, process, outputs, outcomes, impact, etc)
- Develop a basic logic model and evaluation framework
- Select appropriate indicators and methods
- Create a realistic budget and workplan
The workshop will cover some best practices and common issues in evaluating KTT activities, as well as examples of what has worked - and failed - in KTT evaluation. It is designed for researchers with a novice to moderate evaluation background.
This session is offered as part of the ‘Skills for Research Impact’ workshop series. The session will take place online via Zoom meetings. Please register for the session to receive information about how to connect. Find more information on the workshop series here.