Skills for Research Impact Advanced Sessions: Creating Fact Sheets and Policy Briefs
Date and Time
University of Guelph University Centre
Fact sheets and policy briefs are summaries of research findings aimed at supporting evidence-based decision-making. Learn how to communicate the value of your research to support public polices, industry decisions, and more!
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Understand the purpose of policy briefs and fact sheets
- Compare and contrast these summarized reports with traditional academic publications
- Identify appropriate target audiences for their research findings.
- Construct effective summarized reports using best practices
This workshop will be presented by Heather White, Knowledge Mobilization and Communication Coordinator, Soils at Guelph, University of Guelph
This workshop series is a collaboration between the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance and the Research Innovation Office and the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute at the University of Guelph. For more information, contact us at