Call for Applications! Community Engaged Teaching and Learning Course Support Fund

Posted on Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025

Purpose of Course Support Fund

The Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI) is pleased to announce the 2024/25 call for applications for our Community Engaged Teaching and Learning (CETL) Course Support Fund. We recognize the value of mutually beneficial course/curriculum-based partnerships for university and community collaborators and aim to address gaps in funding CETL partnerships.

CETL encompasses a wide range of activities and levels of collaboration which have great potential to enrich student learning and contribute to meaningful community priorities. Given the potential for activities and related costs to span boundaries beyond traditional course structures, our goal is to support a wide range of mutually beneficial goals and activities in CETL, which may include:

  • Learning activities that occur within and/or outside of the classroom
  • Community Focused Learning (CFL): often involves students’ initial steps into learning the principles and practices of community engagement alongside core disciplinary learning outcomes; involves academic and community-oriented learning and action-based activities, often with no single direct community partner
  • Direct partnerships in CETL: often involves students developing a direct relationship with a community partner(s) for the purposes of ongoing collaboration across mutually beneficial scholarly and community action priorities

Eligible items may include: costs associated with attending community meetings, workshops, events, and/or field trips; relationship-building activities and gatherings; on-the-ground support activities related to community priorities; primary or secondary research for community-identified purposes and/or collaborative knowledge mobilization activities and/or outputs; planning and implementing digital and/or other advocacy campaigns; arts-based and other creative projects; critical reflection activities and assignments; honorariums for in-class guest speakers, and other pieces related to mutually beneficial student learning and community priorities and action.


CESI invites applications from faculty members and course instructors within the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences (CSAHS) who are teaching a course(s) with a community engaged component in the Fall 2024 and/or Winter 2025 semester. Applications from outside of CSAHS will be considered on a case-by-case basis and funded where possible.

  • Funding will typically be awarded in the amount of $500.00 to successful applicants with up to $700 in exceptional circumstances
  • Undergraduate and graduate-level courses are eligible to receive funding
  • Funds may be used to support a single course or multiple courses
  • Receipts must be kept and submitted for eligible expenses incurred

Application Deadlines and Processes

Completed applications should be submitted to Lindsey Thomson, Manager of Community Engaged Teaching and Learning at by 11:59pm on Friday, February 28th, 2025. Given limited availability of funds, applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

For more information or to apply for funds please see the CETL Course Support Fund application form. You can also find this Call for Applications and the Application form attached below. 


For questions about the CETL Course Support Fund, please contact:

Lindsey Thomson
Manager, Community Engaged Learning
Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI)


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