Lunch & Learn: Next Steps Toward Engaged Teaching and Learning

Date and Time


MacKinnon 019 (Interdisciplinary Hub)


Faculty and staff members considering or new to engaged teaching and learning are invited to join the UofG Engaged Learning Collective for an informal brown bag lunch-and-learn on Tuesday June 25 from 12-1 pm.

This lunch-and-learn is open to all faculty/teaching staff who are interested in continuing discussions around experiential learning and community-university partnerships. Bring questions for staff whose role it is to facilitate community-university partnerships, and learn from faculty peers who will be on hand to share their experiences.

This conversation is hosted by the Engaged Learning Collective, a network comprised of UofG staff members (including CESI staff) who facilitate and support partnerships between university faculty, staff, students, and a wide range of community partners. The Collective has recently formalized and expanded its relationships across campus in order to better coordinate, build upon, and ensure that engaged learning through UofG is accessible, mutually beneficial, and creates long-term impact for all. 

For more information, contact

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