Craig Johnson

Craig Johnson is a faculty member in the Department of Political Science at the University of Guelph. His research focuses on global environmental politics, with an emphasis on global climate politics, Indigenous, extractive, and environmental politics in Ecuador, and rural-urban resource conflicts in South and Southeast Asia. He also has expertise in sustainable development, urbanization, forced displacement, and comparative politics and international development. In addition to his work as a professor and researcher at the University of Guelph, Craig is a Senior Fellow at the University of Toronto’s Global Cities Institute, which investigates ways to secure sustainable futures for cities worldwide, and a Research Affiliate of the Sydney Environment Insitute. As a community-engaged scholar, Craig is fascinated by the question of whether and how “communities” of households and individuals are able to form and create new forms of identity and attachment to land, livelihood and the environment. He has worked closely and collaboratively with the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, the Universidad Andina de Simón Bolivar and the Escuela Superior Politécnica Litoral.