This three-part guide is designed for anyone interested in how virtual partnerships work, how they can be integrated with community engagement and/or experiential learning, and how they can enrich university-level courses. It provides an introduction to virtual community-engaged experiential learning, tips for virtual exchange and engaging partners online, and key values to consider when bridging global and local community engagement practices.
Throughout this course, students worked with a community partner to analyze and approach broad social issues from a multidisciplinary perspective. A unique aspect of the course was that there were no clear rubrics or mark breakdowns established. Students were informed about bare minimum requirements, but were encouraged to think beyond how to perform to meet expectations, and engaged in conversations with the instructors regarding appropriate learning goals and outcomes based on their discipline and year-level.
Throughout the course, graduate students developed knowledge, skills and values related to the principles and practices of community-engaged scholarship (CES). Working with one community partner (varies each semester), they applied their knowledge to develop a product to solve a problem brought forward by the community partner.
As a major component of the course (65%), the class partnered with the Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) to update the OAITH Femicide Database that was designed by an earlier graduate-level sociology class. They also created a femicide list with biographies and pictures of victims. Throughout the term, students worked in collaborative learning teams (3-5 students per group) to complete different elements of the project, before the class congregated to collaboratively construct the final product.
On Friday, November 8th 2019 the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute marked the 10th anniversary of the Research Shop by holding a public symposium to reflect on our work and continue to enhance our knowledge of community-university research practice and impacts.
This community needs assessment was conducted in collaboration with the Yorklands Green Hub in the summer of 2018. A total of 131 participants were surveyed to better understand preferences and barriers in using the outdoor space purchased by Yorklands. The report is accompanied by a visual fact sheet which summarizes the main findings.
This series of five fact sheets on learning disabilities was produced in collaboration with the United Way of Guelph Wellington Dufferin and the Learning Disabilities Association of Wellington County. It seeks to provide information on common learning disabilities, including dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia, as well as tips on how to help students who experience those challenges.
Venus Bali, Andrea LaMarre
Fact Sheet
Research Shop
Project Partner(s):
Learning Disabilities Association of Wellington County
These three highlight sheets were created in order to help the Guelph-Wellington Local Immigration Partnership mobilize the findings and recommendations from its 2016 Immigrant survey report. They present key data on immigrants' 1) basic needs and belonging, 2) employment, education and training, and 3) access to services. The Local Immigration Partnership is using these visual summaries both as hand-outs and large-scale posters in order to share highlights from the report with a variety of stakeholders.
Caroline Duvieusart-Dery, Mercerina Lychek, Jacqueline On, Kathleen Slemon
These fact sheets were created to support the City of Guelph Older Adult Strategy. They consolidate key points from existing literature around affordable housing in Guelph as well as alternative housing options. They are intended as positioning documents to encourage the City of Guelph to further investigate age-friendly alternatives.