
Managing Researcher Self-Care While Working with Sensitive Research: A Retrospective from a Science Shop Project

This blog post was written by student researchers from the Research Shop. Below, they reflect on managing their own care while working on projects with potentially sensitive and intense subject matter. Their work on this project and reflections throughout fact have expanded our understanding and practices of care in the research context at CESI. We will build on this work as we move forward and actively work to create a workplace culture that is humane, accessible, and enabling for all.  

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Food Self-Determination Project Documents Now Available

The Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI) is excited to announce the release of project documents completed in partnership with the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) to explore food self-determination in First Nation communities. The Nishnawbe Aski Nation represents 49 First Nations within Northern Ontario. The organization aims to encourage local self-determination of its communities while establishing social, cultural, spiritual, and economic independence.

Now Closed: Applications for CESI's Student CES Fund

CESI's Student Community Engaged Scholarship Fund is now open for applications!

We invite applications from students who have chosen to undertake community engaged projects. This can include research, knowledge mobilization, and other scholarly activities that incorporate CES being conducted outside of assigned course work (e.g. independent studies, thesis, dissertation).

Students may apply for up to $500 per academic year to cover eligible costs such as:

Literature Review of Women in the Workforce for the In Good Company Now Available

In 2021, two of CESI's student researchers were supported by Sustainable Livelihoods Canada to conduct a literature review to support the Theory of Change process for the In Good Company Collaborative (IGC). The In Good Company Project aims to help women overcome the systemic and social inequalities in the workplace, leading them to more sustainable livelihoods, and to support employers to dismantle the barriers and biases preve

Collaborative Research on Effects of Pandemic on Family Violence Awarded CIHR Grant

A community engaged research project with CESI involvement has been awarded funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Now underway, it will explore how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected women in Canada experiencing family and intimate partner violence, including barriers and opportunities they faced when accessing support services. 

CESI Continuing Relationship with King's College London Through Research Fellowship

As of January of 2022, Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI) Director, Dr. Elizabeth Jackson will also be taking on the role of Visiting Research Fellow with the Faculty of Arts & Humanities at King’s College London. This virtual fellowship will link the Faculty and CESI with the goal of enabling long-term collaboration and increasing expertise, knowledge exchange, and impact on both sides. Dr. Jackson will be hosted by colleague Dr. Ed Stevens, Impact and Knowledge Exchange Manager in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at King’s.

2 CESI Student Positions: Extended Application Deadline

Join our team! The Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI) has extended the application deadlines for two open student positions:

Communications Assistant

  • Reviewing, editing, and creating content for the CESI website and supporting research communications at CESI.

Research Shop Assistant [Transition Aged Youth Projects]*

Register Now: Skills for Research Impact Winter 2022 Workshop Series

Registration is now open for the winter/spring 2022 Skills for Research Impact Workshop Series. Offered in collaboration by the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute, the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, and the Research Innovation Office, these workshops are designed for University of Guelph faculty, research staff and graduate students interested in enhancing the impact of their research.

3 Student Positions Available at CESI

The Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI) is hiring three students to join our team. CESI is a research and teaching support unit in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences that brings together campus and community skills and resources to address community research priorities. Our work enables community-university collaborations that positively impact our partners and the wider community. 

The following positions are available for 2022:

Communications Assistant

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