Research Shop

Nasra Hussein

Headshot of Nasra Hussein
Research Shop Assistant

Interests: Health equity, marginalized populations, social justice, social determinants of health, global health, food security.

Jessica Lukawiecki

Headshot of Jessica Lukawiecki
Project Manager and Editorial Assistant

Interests: Program evaluation; social and environmental analysis; social return on investment; Indigenous issues; writing; editing.

The Science Shop/Research Shop School: A workshop to build mechanisms for community-university research engagement

This workshop was aimed at those interested in creating and running Science/Research Shops or other community-based research offices to link researchers with civil society research needs. The workshop was led by Science Shop directors Henk Mulder (Groningen University, The Netherlands) and Norbert Steinhaus (Bonn Science Shop, Germany), who work with Science Shops around the world, and Linda Hawkins from CESI/the Research Shop at the University of Guelph. 33 participants attended from 11 Canadian universities, 1 American university & 2 foundations. 

Henk Mulder, Norbert Steinhaus, Linda Hawkins
CESI Special Project
Research Shop

Focus on Nature: Results of a Program Evaluation

The purpose of this project was to evaluate the impacts of a one-day nature photography workshop for students conducted by Focus on Nature. Surveys collected feedback from 154 students to assess what they learned from the program and how their participation affected their sense of connection to nature. Surveys also looked at the experience of volunteers involved in the program. The report is accompanied by a 1-page infographic summarizing the main findings of the survey.

Kathleen Slemon, Marian Kelly, Emily Farrell, Karen Nelson, Lindsey Thomson, Rebecca Pereira
Research Shop
Project Partner(s): 
Focus on Nature

Yorklands Green Hub Area Survey

This community needs assessment was conducted in collaboration with the Yorklands Green Hub in the summer of 2018. A total of 131 participants were surveyed to better understand preferences and barriers in using the outdoor space purchased by Yorklands. The report is accompanied by a visual fact sheet which summarizes the main findings.

Rebecca Pereira, Kimberley Goh, Kathleen Slemon, Emily Farrell
Fact Sheet
Research Shop
Project Partner(s): 
Yorklands Green Hub

Current and Promising Practices for Increasing Victims' Service Use and Referrals

This report was created in response to a request by Victim Services Wellington to examine victims' service use and referrals for Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario (VCAO). The project aimed to highlight the current state of affairs with respect to victims' service use, and better understand the policies and practices that may help increase the number of people using and being offered support by VCAO. Researchers conducted a literature review and a survey of VCAO sites across Ontario.

Lauren Hotchkiss, Nicole Jeffrey, Mercerina Lychek
Literature Review
Research Shop
Project Partner(s): 
Victims Services Wellington

Kimberley Goh

Headshot of Kimberley Goh
Research Shop Assistant

Interests: Acculturation, multiculturalism, program evaluation, knowledge mobilization, community engaged scholarship, education.

Kiitigaan Medgwe Nishnawbe - Good Things Growing: Literature Reviews to Inform Indigenous Food Self-Determination Planning and Evaluation

This project summary offers a short description of a project undertaken by the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute in collaboration with local consulting firms. Researchers produced an annotated bibliography and a literature review for the Nishnawbe Aski Nation in order to inform community-based food system planning and evaluation processes within four remote Ontario First Nations communities.

Melisa Choubak, Carla Giddings, Mary Ferguson, Emmett Ferguson, Janet Murray
Literature Review
Research Shop
Project Partner(s): 
Nishnawbe Aski Nation

Engaging Youth in Cannabis Awareness Messaging

This report presents findings from a literature review of participatory approaches to engage youth in cannabis awareness messaging initiatives. Findings will be used to inform the creation of a local youth-targeted cannabis messaging initiative in the Guelph-Wellington area as well as of a toolkit for the Wellington-Guelph Drug Strategy.

Taylor Anne Grills, Aarabhi Rajendiran, Alexandra Sawatzky
Literature Review
Research Shop
Project Partner(s): 
Wellington Guelph Drug Strategy

Peer Support Models for Harm Reduction Services

This literature review aims to generate a better understanding of current approaches and best practices for peer support models for harm reduction services. It shares guiding principles and considerations for integrating peers into harm reduction programs, and presents an overview of peer programs developed in North America, Europe, and Australia. It is hoped that findings will be used to inform the creation of a peer support program at the Wellington Guelph Drug Strategy.

Amber Gillespie, Biatris Lasu, Alexandra Sawatzky
Literature Review
Research Shop
Project Partner(s): 
Wellington Guelph Drug Strategy